Pastors Message | St.Mary Catholic Church



Published on 1 month ago

When appointed pastor of St. Mary/St.Joseph 25 years ago, Bishop Fiorenza
mentioned that it was a 'nice' 'country' parish that he was sure I would enjoy. As
the years have gone by, I have witnessed the transformation of the parish. The
countryside is in process of disappearing with the development of so many
subdivisions. Of course, this has been happening not only in our area but
throughout our great State of Texas. The face is, the growth we have experienced
falls short to the growth in other areas of our Archdiocese. Our growth,
nevertheless, has been explosive.
Such a great situation to have! Many parishes are losing parishioners and
struggling financially. Our growth has been phenomenal. And, as a result of the
financial support and our working together, our parish community has been able
to achieve so much as new families are welcomed with open arms and eagerly
jump in to become part our parish thereby making it so special. I hope it's obvious
that what we all do is for the honor and glory of the Lord. It's that volunteer spirit
linked with joyful witness that has been blessed by God throughout the years.
As pastor, I am so proud of our communities of Faith. Priests throughout
the Archdiocese envy me. Some are eagerly awaiting my I have
to remind myself how blessed I am and the responsibility I have as shepherd to
such a great flock.
Above the stove in the kitchen in St. Mary's hall there is a prayer: "Dear
Lord, help us to serve You with an open mind, a loving heart and willing hands.
In Your name we pray. Amen." This prayer summarizes what we all struggle to
do as we volunteer to work together as the Lord's servants/workers. Sometimes
we need to be reminded that we are all volunteers in His service. In Baptism we
were incorporated into His service. We pledged ourselves to work together as
loyal, joy-filled and considerate servants. 'Considerate' is what we often forget or
excuse ourselves when we choose to be a bit forceful or even rude when dealing
with each other. I find that even I have on occasion been a bit hard-handed when
correcting behavior when a more gentle, Christ-like reminder would have
achieved the desired result. I apologize for that. It's that Christ-like consideration
that we need to cultivate in our dealing with one another. Feelings are so easily
hurt/bruised. Awareness of that Christ-like consideration and charity when
working together is critical in our witness to the Lord. Otherwise, we are just an
organization doing some good stuff, sitting on a lot of land.
Let us all be mindful how we ask, how we question, and the tone we use with one
another. This includes especially when dealing with our office staff and those
serving in ministries. We're all running around like chickens-with-our-heads-

cutoff. There are times when what is asked won't be granted, can't be granted,
could be granted but not now or will he considered. An attitude of 'you're here for
what I want' and what 'I want it now' is the work of the devil who wants to cause
division, discord, hurt feelings, gossip and make us UN-Christ-like. We need to be
so careful that as we grow both in numbers and as we grow in deepening our love
of Christ that we also grow in deepening our love of each other [and how we treat
each other]. Just saying....a gentle reminder.
We are so blessed. I sincerely hope that every one of you who reads this,
especially if you're new to the parish, appreciates and relishes the many
opportunities the Lord is inviting you and even challenging you to embrace and
be an active, conscious and joy-filled participant/worker/witness to Him in our
area of Texas entrusted to us. What a wonderful parish community we have been
privileged to say is 'my faith home'! I'm proud of each and every one of you!!

Lord, make us all
Instruments of Your Peace